We have been seeing so many interesting and stunning sites popping up and powered by our themes. From professional service websites to travel blogs and restaurant sites – all our users are proving that a sleek and modern online presence is not hard to achieve! This year we’ve received many submissions, so instead of our usual 30, we’ve hand selected the top 50 WordPress sites. Flick through the list below to get inspired by the endless and beautiful possibilities when customizing a site using Themify.
New Scroll To Row Video Tutorial
New Scroll to Row Video Tutorial! Following many requests from the Themify community, we’ve decided to launch a new video tutorial for the Scroll to Row anchor feature. To refresh your memory, Scroll to Row allows a website user to click an item on the header and be scrolled down to the relevant section.
Sneak Peak: New Sideway Theme
After much anticipation, we’re excited to announce a new theme called Sideway. Though it is currently in development, we wanted to offer you all a special sneak peek. Sideway is the first theme to feature our new ‘Horizontal Scrolling’. Basically, the movement of information and graphics will be from left to right. This is a fresh new way that readers can consume all the information on your website, and it also lays the groundwork for smoother transitions between your various pages. Get excited to give your website a sleek new finish, as our developers place the finishing touches on Sideway with the built-in Themify Builder!
Important: Server Upgrade Notice
On Saturday, September 9, 2017 at 12pm EST, we will be doing a server upgrade. During this time, the entire site (Themify server, forum, member area, etc.) will be down for a few hours. If you need immediate access to any Themify product or support, please email us at themify @ gmail.com. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, please know that this upgrade will enhance load speed and performance on our site. Thank you for your understanding.
Happy weekend!Save Big with our Labour Day Sale!
Labour Day is that time of year to squeeze the last bit of summer out and to treat yourself for all your hard work! Although we can’t save summer from ending, we can save you big dollars at the checkout counter with our Labour Day Sale! For a limited time only, you can receive 30% OFF all Themify products (excluding Lifetime Club).
How to Create an eCommerce Website with the Shoppe Theme
It’s around 9:10am as I write this blog post. So, Good Morning!
My name is Hogan (see bio below) and I recently released a full tutorial on How to Create an eCommerce Website with WordPress based on the Shoppe Theme by Themify. And I’m really excited to tell you all about it, i.e. who it’s for, what you’ll learn, what to do if you want to start fresh (completely from scratch) and more!