
Theme and Framework updates


Since our last major framework upgrade, 1.0.3, we've been working on cleaning up a few things with our code. We heard there were issues with a few specific plugins, that have been lingering since we launched, and we've made sure to correct those issues in a theme wide update. This update is, primarily, all about squishing bugs.

All themes have gotten a version update today along with our framework. To clarify, for some that may be confused, our themes and our framework/platform have two different version numbers. You could, for example, be running version 1.1.7 of the Blogfolio theme but you may be running version 1.0.2 of the themify framework.

We hope that everyone will stay up-to-date with us now that we can push updates much easier with the auto-upgrader (built-in since framework version 1.0.3). If you want to learn more about what we've changed specifically you can read more in the change logs here:

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Framework 1.0.3 Released!

Framework 1.0.3 Released!

We've officially launched version 1.0.3 of the Themify framework today. With this version we hope to eliminate manual updates for our users. Not only was it tiring for us to iterate and reiterate when a new version, of either a theme or the framework, came out but we knew it wasn't fun for our users to have to manually download a file and then upload it to their site each time.

To be able to use the auto upgrading feature your server will need the following requirements:

  • Have the ability to read / open remote files
  • Have the curl PHP Library Installed
  • Have the ZipArchive PHP Library installed

By default, the framework will detect if your server has the proper PHP libraries and will provide a link to a .zipped version of the file for manual download and installation use.

We keep an active change log of all themes and the framework versions and updates here:

Hope you guys enjoy!

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Theme 1.1 and Framework Updates

Since launched in August, we've been collecting a lot of feedbacks, suggests, and bug reports. Over the last two weeks, we've focused on making our themes better. Today we are happy to announce that Themify has its first official framework update and all themes have rolled to version 1.1. We've made a lot changes and fixed a handful of bugs in both our themes and the core framework. This post will give you a little more insight about what's new or different from the last version.


We've gotten rid of a lot of redundent code and re-arranged a few files and folders in order to keep things organized.

  • Removed all Framework specific functions from custom_functions.php and moved to a new file custom_modules.php.
  • Moved the image cache folder outside of the themify folder into the theme root folder
  • Replaced all image references in the template files with the new themify_image() function (read more about the themify_image function) (more…)

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Affiliate Banners

First of all, thanks to those who've joined our affiliate program and we apologize for not having the banners ready on time. We now have a set of banners for affiliates ranging from 125x125px, 250x250px, 300x300px, 260x120px, 468x60px, and 728x90px. You may download the banners in this post or via the member panel. Let us know if you need specific sizes. (more…)

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We’ve Launched!


After months of hard work Themify themes are finally shipping out the door. A lot of thought & effort has gone into these themes and we hope it shows.

Today, we are proud to announce that you can save 30% off any theme for the next 2 weeks. Enter "awesome" on checkout (coupon code expires on Aug 25, 2010). This applies to our premium theme club memberships. We'll be rolling out new themes and plugins every month.

As well, we will be opening a "Showcase" section to in the coming months and are extending an offer to users who want their Themified website featured. You can apply through our Contact form using the subject line "Showcase Application - #Your User ID".

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Why Choose Themify?

Why Choose Themify?

We've taken premium themes to the next level. The Themify framework was built from the ground up for scalability and flexibility. Below are some of the core features of our framework. Read the Features for more details. Also, don't forget to check out the Widgets that we bundled in the themes.



All themes come with the standard setting options (such as favicon, header & footer code, search & feed setting) plus the theme settings that let you customize the functionality of the theme without touching the template files. For example, you can set the slide show transition effect without editing the Javascript in the header.php file.



You can style almost everything, literally, any CSS property from font styles to padding to border. There is a config XML file in the theme folder which controls what to appear in the framework. Let's say you don't want the padding property to be stylable, simply delete a line of code in the config.xml file.



You can choose to switch your theme's appearance by applying a Skin which can be found in the "Skins" tab. All themes come with at least one Skin and you can create your own custom Skins within the skins/ folder. Building a custom skin is much like creating a WordPress theme. Create a new folder with the name of your desired skin within the skins/ folder. Include a style.css file with your Skins information, a preview thumbnail named "screenshot.png" and your done!



Import and Export all your custom settings and styles easily through the "Transfer" tab. We detect your version of PHP and automatically adjust the files for you. If your running PHP 5.2+ you will have access to an advanced .zip export which packages your stored settings, custom-modules.php and config.xml files all in one.

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