New! Ultra Church Skin for Churches, Faith Organizations, and Charities

New! Ultra Church Skin for Churches, Faith Organizations, and Charities

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Reaching out to people in this modern age as a church or ministry requires a website. WordPress is the website platform of choice for many churches that take themselves online because it makes editing your church’s website much faster and easier. As one of our most highly requested Ultra skins, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Ultra Church.


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How to Add Custom Icon Fonts

How to Add Custom Icon Fonts

This foundational tutorial is brought to you by our Support Experts as one of the most commonly asked questions on our Support Forum. Adding custom icon fonts to your WordPress site has become a staple of modern web design. They're incredible easy to use and help you spice up and add a unique element to your design.

The one drawback with some icon fonts is that even if you have only a handful of icons you want to use, you have to load the entire set which can be weighty and slow down the loading of your website. That's where a free custom icon font selection service will come in handy, and we're going to show you how to achieve this in 3 easy steps!


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How to Turn Your WordPress Blog into a Membership Site with MemberPress

How to Turn Your WordPress Blog into a Membership Site with MemberPress

Over the past decade, blog owners on WordPress could only make money on their website by placing ads or by creating a site that specializes in affiliate marketing. Times have changed since then, and now these same blog owners are creating membership-style websites.

Instead of getting paid if someone buys one of the products you’re advertising, or by how many times they click that ad in between lines of your content, you can instead charge visitors money to view premium content. But membership sites are much more than just “paid content”. You can make your site shine with features such as online forums for members, multiple plans that grant access to additional content and information, and much more.


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Themify Updater Plugin – More New Features!

Themify Updater Plugin – More New Features!

We’re always looking to improve, so we’ve added some more features to our Themify Updater plugin, some of which have been highly requested. The new features will allow you to keep your Themify username private, disable those pesky notification symbols on the admin dashboard, and easily reinstall your themes and plugins using the Themes/Plugins tab.


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New! Ultra Magazine Skin for News, Magazine, and Tech Blog Websites

New! Ultra Magazine Skin for News, Magazine, and Tech Blog Websites

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We receive so much of our information and news online than ever before. You might even be surprised to know that many established news agencies use WordPress to update and modify their content. They include The New York Times, Tech Crunch, The New Yorker, and BBC America, among many others. One thing these online news agencies have in common is a sleek, organized, and professional looking site.

With our latest Ultra Magazine skin, you can easily build the tech, science, or health news WordPress website you've always imagined. Expertly maintain, edit and add content to your news website on the fly as the events of the world change just as quickly. This clean, elegant, and organized website layout will allow your readers to easily find the top headlines, allowing you to attract a wider audience and start generating profits through ads, if you so desire.


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WordPress Heroes – WPBeginner’s Syed Balkhi

WordPress Heroes – WPBeginner’s Syed Balkhi

We’re launching a new interview series called WordPress Heroes featuring your friendly, neighbourhood WordPress community leaders!

If you’ve ever wanted to go for coffee with a SaaS founder or a WordPress company leader to pick their brain and glean some helpful advice, this is a great opportunity to do just that. So grab your cup of coffee, tea, or wine, and settle in to see just how far they’ve come and what they’ve learned in the process.

For our first interview, we’re excited to be featuring Syed Balkhi, a successful and young entrepreneur creating company after company in the WordPress environment and beyond. He’s been featured in the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 30 by the United Nations and he’s also been quite involved in philanthropic work. Without any further ado, let’s hear from Syed himself in our first ever WordPress Heroes series.


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