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Six More New Builder Pro Themes + 30% OFF

Six More New Builder Pro Themes + 30% OFF

We hope you enjoyed the previous batch of Builder Pro themes we released 2 weeks ago. Today we are releasing another 6 new Pro themes for Builder Pro. With the new additions, we have a total 16 Pro themes with demo content. In case you are wondering how Pro themes work, we've recorded a short video tutorial. The process of importing a Pro theme is relatively simple and quick. You just need to create a new theme, select the theme demo and click import. It will then import the theme and the associated templates and demo content. Within a minute, you can replicate your site exactly like our demo. Then you can edit the templates and content as you like.

Theme Demos

Below are the new Pro themes released in this batch:

30% OFF Everything

If you're interested in the Builder Pro, we recommend the Master Club as it includes all themes, plugins and addons. We are offering a 30% discount until the end of July 2020. Use PROTHEMES coupon code to take 30% off everything on Themify (including Lifetime Club). As a reminder, we do have a 30-day refund policy. Feel free to give it a try. If you don't like it, simply ask for a full refund.

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How to Create a Movie Review Site With Builder Pro and PTB

How to Create a Movie Review Site With Builder Pro and PTB

In our last tutorial we recorded a video on how to create a dynamic property site with Builder Pro and Pods plugin. To demonstrate that Builder Pro is compatible with all major custom post type plugins, we are writing another tutorial on creating a movie review site with Builder Pro and the Post Type Builder (PTB) plugin (view final demo). Builder Pro has full integration with PTB. That means whatever post types and custom fields you create with PTB, you can use Builder Pro to create the templates for them. In this tutorial, we will cover every step on creating custom post type, custom fields, taxonomies, and custom templates. You will learn how to create a complete custom movie review site from scratch with dynamic content.

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How to Create a Property Listing Site with Builder Pro & Pods

How to Create a Property Listing Site with Builder Pro & Pods

Back in the old days, creating an advanced custom site with WordPress would require coding skills (CSS, PHP, and Javascript). As WordPress and technology advance, we are able to create dynamic sites without any coding. With Builder Pro, you can create custom themes and templates without having to write any code. We've recorded a full length video tutorial to show you how to build a property listing site using Builder Pro and Pods plugin. This detailed tutorial will walk you through from installing the required plugins to adding custom post type, taxonomy, custom fields, and building the templates. You can watch the video or follow the instruction with screenshots below.

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Mission Pagespeed: Score 95+ on Google Pagespeed Insights

Mission Pagespeed: Score 95+ on Google Pagespeed Insights

One of the major concerns about using multi-purpose themes is the page speed. Most multi-purpose themes are packed with many features and they usually include many scripts which take longer to load than the simpler themes. Site loading speed not only affects your visitors' browsing experience, but it can also impact your site search engine placement as Google ranks higher for fast loading and mobile-friendly sites. All Themify themes have been mobile friendly for many years. The upcoming Themify mission is to make all of our themes score 95+ on Google Pagespeed without using any third party plugins.

Mission Pagespeed: Making The Fastest Multi-purpose Theme

Over the past 2 months, we've been working quietly on the Pagespeed Mission to improve the page speed of all Themify themes and the Builder. Today we are happy to announce that we've made good progress. It is a big mission as we have to change the whole theme and framework structure in order to achieve it. All themes need to be re-coded as well to work with the new framework. Our goal is to make Ultra and Shoppe the fastest multi-purpose themes that includes a drag & drop layout Builder. (more…)

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A New WordPress Theme Builder Hero is Born: Builder Pro!

Themify Builder Pro WordPress Theme Builder Launch

Get Builder Pro

It’s been a long time coming, but we’re finally excited to announce that Themify’s Builder Pro is now ready for blast off! After countless hours testing and perfecting, we’re out of the beta phase and will be setting Builder Pro into the wild.

This completely new product is a whole new WordPress theme builder, allowing you to custom design your very own themes intuitively, from literally the header to the footer.

Builder Pro works by allowing you to build a complete custom theme by creating individual templates for any page you need – you can either start from scratch or use one of many pre-designed themes to start. Create templates for posts, pages, custom post types, a 404-page, search result page, and even WooCommerce templates, all without a single line of code. Builder Pro is one of WordPress’ foremost comprehensive theme builders on the market!


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Black Friday 40% Off Sale + $450 Worth Amazon Gift Cards & 3 Master Club Giveaway

Black Friday 40% Off Sale + $450 Worth Amazon Gift Cards & 3 Master Club Giveaway

Shop Sale

Themify has been rated and reviewed as one of the top and most customizable WordPress theme providers on the market. Don’t miss out on your chance to access one of the best WordPress theme builders and powerful themes to create your ultimate website with a massive 40% OFF Black Friday Sale or $75 OFF the Lifetime Club!

We’ve also got 3 grand prizes of Amazon gift cards and Master Club memberships worth a total of $717 to give away – no purchase necessary! Enter for your chance to win below!


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