How to Increase PHP Memory Limit for WordPress

How to Increase PHP Memory Limit for WordPress

If your WordPress site is hosted on a shared host, you might probably run into an error message saying the allowed memory size has been exhausted. This basically means that your server is out of memory. Web servers are pretty much the same as your computer - it needs memory to process the site. When it runs of memory, you end up seeing that error.

In this foundational tutorial, we will show you a simple solution to increase the PHP memory limit on your server, with a choice of 3 methods. We know that error messages can be annoying so check out this tutorial if you're also running into issues with WordPress being stuck in maintenance mode.


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How I Teach University Digital Marketing Classes Using Themify! – Dr. Arnold Robinson III

How I Teach University Digital Marketing Classes Using Themify! – Dr. Arnold Robinson III

It’s always exciting to hear the different ways and purposes people use Themify, and this month’s Customer Story is no different. We’re pleased to welcome Professor Robinson as well as an entire several years of graduates and undergrads of Colorado State University. They’ve been using Themify to create WordPress sites to flex their digital marketing skills and to help local businesses get their websites started.

About Me

My name is Dr. Arnold Robinson III and I am a Clinical Professor at Colorado State University. I teach undergraduate Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing, and graduate level Search Engine Optimization and Digital Marketing.

I graduated with a CIS (Computer Information Systems) degree in 2001 and my first job out of college 2001 was as a web designer. I have been involved in websites and digital marketing ever since. Throughout the years I have obtained an MBA and a Ph.D. in marketing. I currently own a web design company on the side while I teach full time at CSU.


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Top 10 Lifestyle Blogs to Follow and Read (2019)

Top 10 Lifestyle Blogs to Follow and Read (2019)

If you’re wondering how to start a lifestyle blog, the first thing you should do is decide which topics capture your interest best. Speaking on what you’re passionate about will easily generate the best content. Finding your niche will also help determine what style of blog to create and which layouts better favour your particular focus.

Whatever your target, one key factor of the most beautiful and successful lifestyle blogs is that most all use WordPress! WordPress lifestyle blog themes put the control back in the hands of the user, allowing even the most technically unsavvy to publish blog posts and stylishly edit their content.

But without a little inspiration and a few WordPress tips & tricks, it’s hard to know where to begin and how to emulate the best of the best. We’ve done the legwork and put together the ultimate lifestyle blog WordPress theme, the Ultra Lifestyle. You can instantly have an identical site with our 1-click demo import and just edit the content.


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New! Ultra Agency 2 Skin for Agencies, Tech Startups, and Design Studios

New! Ultra Agency 2 Skin for Agencies, Tech Startups, and Design Studios

Demo Buy Ultra

Back by popular demand, we’re offering another premium Ultra skin for a creative agency, design/development studio, or tech startup with the Agency 2 skin! Starting your own agency should not be a solo journey. Innovate and unleash your full design and developing potential with the use of this professional and design savvy demo site.


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How to Host Google Fonts on Your Own Server

How to Host Google Fonts on Your Own Server

Google Fonts is probably the largest free font community in the industry. All Themify themes and Builder come included with the entire Google Fonts collection. But in case you want to host Google Font files on your own server (for privacy concerns), here's a tutorial for you.

Update: All Themify themes now have the option to download Google Fonts automatically to your own server. Go to Themify > Settings > General > Google Fonts, enable "Download Google Fonts to Local". We are keeping this article just for references.

In this edition of our tutorial series, we'll show you how to manually add a Google Font or any font without a plugin. All you need is some CSS code, that we'll provide, and the font file. This is a surprisingly easy hack that anyone can do without any coding knowledge.


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Complete Guide: How to Easily Create a WordPress Multilingual Site With Themify and Weglot

Complete Guide: How to Easily Create a WordPress Multilingual Site With Themify and Weglot

We live in a multilingual world and if your website is only available in a single language, you're missing out on being able to reach a huge chunk of the Internet's estimated 4+ billion worldwide users!

In this post, you'll learn how to translate your entire WordPress site in just a few minutes (including your Themify theme), with our step-by-step WordPress multilingual tutorial. But first, let’s go deeper into why exactly going multilingual is so beneficial.

The Benefits of Translating Your WordPress Site

Creating a WordPress multilingual website gives you more chances to connect with people on a worldwide level in an organic search, and then offer them a better and more personalized user experience once they land on your site. How does translating your existing content increase your web traffic, you ask?


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