Round 4: Fast Loading Sites Using Themify Themes

Round 4: Fast Loading Sites Using Themify Themes

We are proud to see more and more fast loading WordPress sites using Themify themes. In this round of showcase, we are featuring another 20 pagespeed sites which consist of personal sites, freelancers, commercial, agencies, and apps. We see more business and ecommerce sites have switched to Themify for the pagespeed purpose. If you want to improve the pagespeed and SEO on your site as well, consider switching to our flagship themes, Ultra or Shoppe theme.

If you haven't seen our previous pagespeed showcase posts, check out the first, second, and third round here. Visit our pagespeed showcase for more inspiration. You may also submit your Themify powered sites to our showcase.


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Get The Latest Resto Skin With a 30% Discount

Get The Latest Resto Skin With a 30% Discount

Please welcome our latest skin, Resto. The Resto skin is catered for fine dining restaurants, cafes, bistros, and lounges. Large visual images and typography bring up the elegance of the design. You can import this beautiful demo using either UltraShoppe, or Builder Pro. Not to mention that it gets 99 score on Google Pagespeed Insights. Revamp your restaurant site now with Resto to boost your SEO ranking. We are offering a 30% discount for a limited time.

Resto pagespeed score


Get Resto With a 30% Discount

To celebrate this beautiful release, we are offering a 30% discount off Master Club or $50 off Lifetime Club.

30% Off Master Club:
Save 30% off our Master Club membership and get access to all Themify products – now $62 (regular $89)

Use coupon code: RESTO

$50 Off Lifetime Club:
LIFETIME access to all Themify products, updates, and support – now $199 (regular $249)

Use coupon code: RESTOLIFE

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New Resume Skin For Web Designers, Developers, and Freelancers

New Resume Skin For Web Designers, Developers, and Freelancers

Looking for a simple theme to showcase your online presence? Check out the new Resume skin freshly out of the oven. Available in Ultra, Shoppe, and Builder Pro, the Resume skin is for designers/developers/freelancers who want to present their profile and portfolio online. As a bonus feature, the skin includes a shop section in case you want to sell your merchandise with WooCommerce. With our 1-click demo import function, you can quickly launch your site by importing the demo and changing the content.


A++ Pagespeed

Wow, the Resume demo scores 100/100 on Google Pagespeed Insights. Simple design plus fantastic pagespeed score, it can definitely impress your clients. Launch your online resume now with the Resume skin using either Ultra, Shoppe, or Builder Pro.

Resume pagespeed

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New Framework Features: CSS/HTML Editor, Row/Column Link, Accent Colors, Dev Mode..

New Framework Features: CSS/HTML Editor, Row/Column Link, Accent Colors, Dev Mode..

Themify just got another awesome update with more new features and improvements. The Themify Updater has got better and better. Now you can install the required plugins without leaving the demo import lightbox. Other highlighted features include: accent colors, HTML/CSS editor, row/column clickable link, and dev mode. Read on this post for more details.


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Spring Sale 2022

Spring Sale 2022

Hello Spring! After a few months of cold weather, we are pleased to welcome the warm and joyful Spring. It is time to turn on the happy mode and enjoy our spring sale. From now to March 24, 2022, we are offering a 30% discount off all regular memberships or $50 off the Lifetime Club.

30% Off All Regular Memberships:

Save 30% off our Master Club membership and get access to all Themify products – on sale: $62 (regular $89)

Use coupon code: SPRING22

$50 Off Lifetime Club Membership:

LIFETIME access to all Themify products, updates, and support – on sale: $199 (regular $249)

Use coupon code: SPRINGLIFE22

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More High Pagespeed WordPress Sites Powered By Themify (Round 3)

More High Pagespeed WordPress Sites Powered By Themify (Round 3)

Since the release of Themify Pagespeed update, we are happy and proud to see more fast loading WordPress sites using Themify themes. Today we are featuring another round of high pagespeed sites created by our customers (you may check the first and second round here). These 20 sites have proven that you don't need to sacrifice rich media content (images, videos, animation, visual effects, etc.) to have a fast loading site.

Why Pagespeed Matters

In case you are unaware, Google now measures pagespeed and user experience as a key factor to rank search position. Having a fast loading site should be the priority goal in your 2022 SEO plan. If your site doesn't score 90+ on Google Pagespeed Insights, consider switching to Ultra or Shoppe theme.

Did we miss your site? If your site is using a Themify theme with a high pagespeed score, please submit it to our showcase.


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