One of the awesome features about WordPress are all the extendable plugins. But sometimes plugins can have issues from updates or conflicts with other plugins. For example: a plugin update could crash your site due to an invalid/incompatible code, or the update process could be hung half way. With any plugin issue you may experience, the best fix is by reinstalling the plugin. In this foundational tutorial, we'll guide you on how to properly reinstall plugins using the WordPress plugin installer or with an FTP software.
Builder V4.5: Pre-Release Announcement (Beta Version Available!)
After a few months of silent and hard work behind-the-scenes, we are proud to announce the pre-release of Builder V4.5! We basically re-coded the entire Builder core to now use Javascript for a better and faster user experience when it comes to loading the module options and styling.
Along with these performance enhancements, we've added a few new modules and many new and exciting Builder features! If you want a sneak peek at the latest version of the Builder and framework, try out our beta version of Builder V4.5. Read on for details and a friendly disclaimer.
10 Best Free Social Media Plugins for WordPress (2019)
You can spend a great deal on ads and paid marketing, but one of the most priceless and free marketing commodities is sharing on social media. User engagement with your website, blog post articles, and products can have the greatest impact and outreach. This organic influence can help drive traffic and new visitors to your site and hopefully, new customers to your brand.
Social sharing buttons are the best way to make it easier for users to do just that. Providing shortcuts for users to easily share your content will help boost that number, increasing the number of eyes on your company.
In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of the 10 best and free social media sharing plugins. This will hopefully save you time from filtering through thousands of social share plugins in the WordPress community.
Top 10 Best Section Scrolling Inspirational Sites (2019)
Section scrolling, or full page/section scroll, is a popular and modern tool to achieve the most immersive viewing experience on a website. Visuals are usually spread fullwidth to grab a viewer’s focus and to really showcase a magnificent photograph or beautiful product.
Section scrolling smoothly snaps to the next section on a site’s page as the user scrolls. When a user scrolls lower with either a mouse, trackpad, or the arrow key, they trigger a scroll. This animates the page to the next section. Sections can also be used to organize your site’s pages (including the Homepage, About, Contact, and FAQ), or be intended to share your company’s story, taking the reader on a timeline of events.
This is also great for doing presentation slideshows and if you’re looking to feature more interactive content. You can also combine section scrolling with entrance animations for foreground headings or images (ie. slide in, slide out, fade in/out, bounce in/out, etc.). Your modules would enter the screen when the next section is triggered and scrolling up.
Spring Sale 2019 – 20% Off, No Exclusions!
It’s been a tough winter for most us so we’re thawing our prices for you and your website to get out of hibernation. Revive your website with Themify’s Spring Sale! Find a new premium WordPress theme at a discount, load up on your favourite plugins, or renew your existing membership now.
How to Increase PHP Memory Limit for WordPress
If your WordPress site is hosted on a shared host, you might probably run into an error message saying the allowed memory size has been exhausted. This basically means that your server is out of memory. Web servers are pretty much the same as your computer - it needs memory to process the site. When it runs of memory, you end up seeing that error.
In this foundational tutorial, we will show you a simple solution to increase the PHP memory limit on your server, with a choice of 3 methods. We know that error messages can be annoying so check out this tutorial if you're also running into issues with WordPress being stuck in maintenance mode.